Get more and better sales meetings

Combine appointment setting with social media


Hot leads

Get hot leads for your call out campaign.

Qualify leads on social media and generate interest from your target audience before we call out and offer them a meeting.

Better meetings

Get better sales meetings with companies, that are already interested in you and your product.

Social media is a great tool for creating interest in your product and your sales pitch

Increased sales

Boost your sales by combining social media and appointment setting.

Social media is having an increasing impact on consumer’s purchasing decisions and on your final sales.

Benefits of a social media campaign

Increase awareness and create demand

Before we call any leads, we expose them to your product on social media. It is a huge advantage, that your product is top of mind for your target group, when we call them up and offer them a meeting with you.

Convert cold leads to hot leads

We have insight into which leads has been exposed to your product on social media, liked the post and may have clicked the CTA-button and read more about your product. Here we can qualify which leads has the greatest sales potential and are worth prioritizing on the call list.

Improved performance on social media

Get more followers, new visitors to your company profile and extra traffic to your website.

The social media campaign will not only improve appointment setting and your sales quota, but will also boost your performance on social media.

Benefits of a social media campaign

Increase awareness and create demand

Before we call any leads, we expose them to your product on social media. It is a huge advantage, that your product is top of mind for your target group, when we call them up and offer them a meeting with you.

Convert cold leads to hot leads

We have insight into which leads has been exposed to your product on social media, liked the post and may have clicked the CTA-button and read more about your product. Here we can qualify which leads has the greatest sales potential and are worth prioritizing on the call list.

Improved performance on social media

Get more followers, new visitors to your company profile and extra traffic to your website.

The social media campaign will not only improve appointment setting and your sales quota, but will also boost your performance on social media.


Step 1:

Setting up the campaign

Choose target group, selling points and more

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Together we agree on:

  • Goals for the campaign
  • Target list
  • Social media channels
  • Selling points throughout the campaign

Step 2:

Presale on social media

Exposure and lead generation

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A week before the appointment setting campaign, we will run a campaign on your social media channels.

We use the same target list for the social media campaign and the appointment setting campaign.

Step 3:

Sidegevinster på sociale medier

More followers and more traffic

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Besides boosting your appointment setting campaign, a social media campaign will often also result in:

  • More followers
  • More visitors to your social media business page
  • More traffic for your website
  • Increased brand awareness

Step 4:

Qualified leads

Leads become VIP-calls

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We will analyze respons on your social media campaign and prioritize businesses and users, who responded to your product through likes, clicks and comments.

Step 5:

Appointment setting

We call out to qualified leads

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We start your appointment setting campaign by calling businesses, who responded to your product on social media and offer them a meeting.

Step 6:

Data report

Get market insight and see cost per meeting

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When your campaign is over, you’ll get a comprehensive data report with insight into campaign performance and market insight.

Together, we evaluate the campaign, our collaboration and your ROI.


Step 1:

Setting up the campaign

Choose target group, selling points and more

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Together we agree on:

  • Goals for the campaign
  • Target list
  • Social media channels
  • Selling points throughout the campaign

Step 2:

Presale on social media

Exposure and lead generation

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A week before the appointment setting campaign, we will run a campaign on your social media channels.

We use the same target list for the social media campaign and the appointment setting campaign.

Step 3:

Sidegevinster på sociale medier

More followers and more traffic

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Besides boosting your appointment setting campaign, a social media campaign will often also result in:

  • More followers
  • More visitors to your social media business page
  • More traffic for your website
  • Increased brand awareness

Step 4:

Qualified leads

Leads become VIP-calls

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We will analyze respons on your social media campaign and prioritize businesses and users, who responded to your product through likes, clicks and comments.

Step 5:

Appointment setting

We call out to qualified leads

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We start your appointment setting campaign by calling businesses, who responded to your product on social media and offer them a meeting.

Step 6:

Data report

Get market insight and see cost per meeting

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When your campaign is over, you’ll get a comprehensive data report with insight into campaign performance and market insight.

Together, we evaluate the campaign, our collaboration and your ROI.

Få en CTA, der kan booste din forretning og din mødebooking kampagne. 

Når vi taler sociale medier, så kan den rigtige CTA øge målgruppens købsinteresse,  bringe dem videre i salgstragten og generere gode leads til din mødebooking kampagne.

Kombiner din mødebooking kampagne med annoncering på sociale medier og gør din presale strategi mulit-channel.

Tillkøb sociale medier til din mødebooking kampagne, så leder vi din målgruppe derhen, hvor du vil have dem. Uanset om I vil have websitekonverteringer, ønsker download af infomationsmateriale eller noget helt tredje, så hjælper vi dig i mål.

Sidegevinster vil være flere nye relevante følgere på de sociale medier, mere trafik til jeres profil og øget awareness om jeres brand.

Get started

Request an offer and let’s start collaborating 👇


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